The Aufwind Story

Posted Posted in Info

TL;DR: I have been working on Aufwind in some shape or form since 2015 and it has finally evolved into a soaring app I love to use to help me plan my cross country days. And it is available on the App Store! I started first flying gliders back in late 2013 at FCC Berlin […]

Aufwind Pricing and Discounts

Posted Posted in Development Update

Update from the Developer Last week, I concluded a client project and starting this week I’m able to work full-time on Aufwind. I’m pretty confident that a public release in a few weeks is within the realm of possibility. Aufwind Pricing and Discounts Aufwind is free to use but requires a subscription for premium features […]

Soaring and COVID–2019

Posted Posted in Development Update

The world is going through unprecedented times and most of the world is in lock down mode. #stayathome #flattenthecurve This obviously affects our hobby as well. Almost all aviation is on hold in Europe with a notable exception being cargo and military flights. My Club FCC Berlin has ceased all activities until further notice although we’re still preparing […]